TURN server

For most WebRTC applications to function a server is required for relaying the traffic between peers, since a direct socket is often not possible between the clients (unless they reside on the same local network). The common way to solve this is by using a TURN server. The term stands for Traversal Using Relay NAT, … Read more

Openmeetings with docker on CentOS7 VM

  Download: Download VM at https://www.vanzotech.com/vms/openmeetings_docker_centos7.zip Configure your network environment using nmtui command Enable/Disable proxy usage in /etc/profile commenting/uncommenting the row PROXY_URL=”” Credentials: Description Value OS user root OS userpassword 0p3nm3! Db type MySql Db root password 12345 OM DB user om_admin OM DB user password 12345 OM admin user om_admin OM admin user password … Read more

Installing docker on CentOS 7

First you need to set the repository doing a yum install -y yum-utils Then: yum-config-manager –add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo to add the stable Docker repository. then you can install docker yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io Remeber to start the new service with systemctl start docker and enable it upon OS reboot systemctl enable docker To get the … Read more

CentOS 7: proxy configuration for all users

vi /etc/profile Add your proxy settings. # set proxy config via profie.d – should apply for all users # PROXY_URL=”” export http_proxy=”$PROXY_URL” export https_proxy=”$PROXY_URL” export ftp_proxy=”$PROXY_URL” export no_proxy=”,localhost” # For curl export HTTP_PROXY=”$PROXY_URL” export HTTPS_PROXY=”$PROXY_URL” export FTP_PROXY=”$PROXY_URL”  

SSH – login without password

  If you are in the mood of login to Linux without prodividing the user password, as for automating linux script, well you’re in the right page. In this following we will set up a sketch using user alice on host Earth who wants to log in on host Mars without providing any password. Let’s … Read more