PHP SOAP example

In order to deploy a webservice API you need at least a server and a client. PHP Soap makes the day!

First install php-soap. Let’s suppose to be on a CentOS distro, you should issue a:

yum install php-soap

remember to reload Apache as well, with a

service httpd restart

Now you are ready to create two files. For sake of simplicity we will call them server.php and client.php.

Let’s see how the server.php is made:


// server
class MySoapServer
  public function getMessage()
    return 'Hello, World!';

  public function addNumbers($num1,$num2)
    return $num1 + $num2;

  public function multNumbers($num1,$num2)
    return $num1 * $num2;

$options= array('uri'=>'');

$server=new SoapServer(NULL,$options);


as you can easily understand the API exposes three methods: getMessage(), addNumbers(), multNumbers().

And now the client.php:


// client

$options= array(
  'location'    =>  '',
  'uri'     =>  ''

$client=new SoapClient(NULL,$options);
echo $client->getMessage();  //Hello,World!
echo $client->multNumbers(23,3); //  69


That’s all folks.